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Catching fish safely is an integral part of fishing, but it can be frustrating when a catch hook is inserted into a landing net's eye. With a rubberized net, the hooks can be freed in seconds and allow the angler to take care of the catch properly.
Kat.č. Art.No. Art.Nr.
Délka Length Länge
Dílů Sections Teile
Velikost Measurements Größe
Hloubka Depth Tiefe
Síť Mesh
7034 190
1.90 m
85 cm
50 x 50 cm
50 cm
10 mm
7034 210
2.10 m
71 cm
60 x 60 cm
7034 240
2.40 m
81 cm
7034 270
2.70 m
91 cm
7034 300
3.00 m
101 cm
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