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Starbaits Mass Baiting Boilie Hold Up Fermented Shrimp 3kg 20mm

Manufacturer: StarBaits
The MASS BAITING series contains exactly the same ingredients as the CONCEPT series. However, their ratio has been adjusted so that this boilies is suitable for massive baiting. MASS BAITING boilies is easy to digest and will not satiate the fish even during long-term feeding. The penetrating aroma will quickly attract carp and the composition will keep them in the baited place for a long time.
SKU: 81621
Availability: 1 in stock
669,00 Kč
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HOLD UP Fermented Shrimp is a mixture of fermented (fermented) shrimp meat in combination with animal ingredients with an extremely strong scent trace. After hitting the water, boilies immediately release attractants and quickly attract especially large carp even from a long distance. In addition, the fermented ingredients significantly speed up the digestibility of boilies (the fish will not get full), which is why Hold Up is also recommended for massive feeding.

All formulas of the CONCEPT series contain purely natural substances without the use of chemical aromas, dyes or other artificial ingredients. They are developed especially for hunting large carp.


  • fermented shrimp paste
  • predigested fish meal
  • extracts from aquatic animals
  • quickly soluble liver powder


  • year-round fishing (works great in cold water)


  • MASS BAITING for feeding in larger quantities and for a longer period of time

Fish selectivity:

  • big carp

Bait Speed:

  • suitable for short and long trips
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