These ORRA rods are designed for the modern lure angler. The blank of the rod is light weight and has a very crispy, fast blank action which provides a lot of sensitivity and responsiveness. Perfect to use for techniques and situations where optimal control over your lure presentation is key! These rods deliver incredible value for their cost.
These ORRA rods are designed for the modern lure angler. The blank of the rod is light weight and has a very crispy, fast blank action which provides a lot of sensitivity and responsiveness. Perfect to use for techniques and situations where optimal control over your lure presentation is key! These rods deliver incredible value for their cost.
These ORRA rods are designed for the modern lure angler. The blank of the rod is light weight and has a very crispy, fast blank action which provides a lot of sensitivity and responsiveness. Perfect to use for techniques and situations where optimal control over your lure presentation is key! These rods deliver incredible value for their cost.
These ORRA rods are designed for the modern lure angler. The blank of the rod is light weight and has a very crispy, fast blank action which provides a lot of sensitivity and responsiveness. Perfect to use for techniques and situations where optimal control over your lure presentation is key! These rods deliver incredible value for their cost.
The SPIKE S spinning reels is a range of reliable, high quality spinning reels specifically designed for perch & zander fishing. They are strong and rigid, very smooth in rotation and equipped with a smooth and waterproof carbon drag system.
Vylepšená verze našeho slavného XLNT. Zvýšili jsme nosnost v uzlu a snížili paměť, takže se z XLNT HP stává perfektní monofilní vlasec pro všestranné využití s úžasnými nahazovacími vlastnostmi a s perfektní kamufláží díky čtyřbarevnému camo vzoru.