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Mirabel Fluo boilie 150ml - Pineapple N-BA 12mm

Manufacturer: Mikbaits
Fluo Mirabel are, like Mirabel, submersible 12 mm boilies from the Spiceman, eXpress and Robin Fish series, but coated several times in our first-class Fluo Slime. The highly attractive base of the boilie will remain, but a soft, highly attractive cloud will form on the surface, increasing the attraction even more.
SKU: 11036307
Availability: 3 in stock
150,00 Kč
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Fluo Mirabel are, like Mirabel, submersible 12 mm boilies from the Spiceman, eXpress and Robin Fish series, but coated several times in our first-class Fluo Slime. The highly attractive base of the boilie will remain, but a soft, highly attractive cloud will form on the surface, increasing the attraction even more. It is an excellent option not only for catching in cold seasons, but also all year round for faster catching, competitive fishing or even on a feeder. They immediately work in the water and attract fish to bite. We recommend combining with 10 mm fluo pop-ups of the same flavors. This way you will get an incredibly irritating lure, which is also lighter thanks to the float.

  • Packaging: 150ml
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