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    Balsax Nano Green 300m

    Balsax Nano Green 300m

    Line designed primarily for spinning. Thanks to the invaluable properties of nanoparticles it has all the necessary features essential for this fishing method.
    From 179,00 Kč
    Picture of Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.18mm 5.00kg

    Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.18mm 5.00kg

    Line designed primarily for spinning. Thanks to the invaluable properties of nanoparticles it has all the necessary features essential for this fishing method.
    179,00 Kč
    Picture of Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.20mm 6.00kg

    Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.20mm 6.00kg

    Line designed primarily for spinning. Thanks to the invaluable properties of nanoparticles it has all the necessary features essential for this fishing method.
    179,00 Kč
    Picture of Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.22mm 7.00kg

    Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.22mm 7.00kg

    Line designed primarily for spinning. Thanks to the invaluable properties of nanoparticles it has all the necessary features essential for this fishing method.
    179,00 Kč
    Picture of Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.25mm 8.00kg

    Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.25mm 8.00kg

    Line designed primarily for spinning. Thanks to the invaluable properties of nanoparticles it has all the necessary features essential for this fishing method.
    179,00 Kč
    Picture of Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.28mm 10.0kg

    Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.28mm 10.0kg

    Line designed primarily for spinning. Thanks to the invaluable properties of nanoparticles it has all the necessary features essential for this fishing method.
    179,00 Kč
    Picture of Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.30mm 11.5kg

    Balsax Nano Green 300m 0.30mm 11.5kg

    Line designed primarily for spinning. Thanks to the invaluable properties of nanoparticles it has all the necessary features essential for this fishing method.
    179,00 Kč
    Balsax Reventon 300m

    Balsax Reventon 300m

    Reventon No.1 PREMIUM is a sinking line of transparent color. It excels in strong and reliable knots, flat structure, smooth surface and virtually zero memory.
    From 269,00 Kč
    Picture of Balsax Reventon 300m 0.20mm 6.00kg

    Balsax Reventon 300m 0.20mm 6.00kg

    Reventon No.1 PREMIUM is a sinking line of transparent color. It excels in strong and reliable knots, flat structure, smooth surface and virtually zero memory.
    269,00 Kč
    Balsax Tarantula 100m

    Balsax Tarantula 100m

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    From 69,00 Kč
    Picture of Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.16mm 3.65kg

    Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.16mm 3.65kg

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    Picture of Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.18mm 4.55kg

    Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.18mm 4.55kg

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    Picture of Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.20mm 5.45kg

    Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.20mm 5.45kg

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    Picture of Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.22mm 6.15kg

    Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.22mm 6.15kg

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    Picture of Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.25mm 6.80kg

    Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.25mm 6.80kg

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    Picture of Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.28mm 8.10kg

    Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.28mm 8.10kg

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    Picture of Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.30mm 10.6kg

    Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.30mm 10.6kg

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    Picture of Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.40mm 17.5kg

    Balsax Tarantula 100m 0.40mm 17.5kg

    The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
    Berkley Trilene Maxx 300m

    Berkley Trilene Maxx 300m

    Trilene Maxx je super pevný, nekompromisní vlasec s vysokou tuhostí a maximální ovladatelností. Je stavěn do extrémních podmínek a disponuje větší odolností proti nečekaným výpadům ryby.
    From 179,00 Kč
    Picture of Berkley Trilene Maxx 300m, 0.28mm 6.9kg

    Berkley Trilene Maxx 300m, 0.28mm 6.9kg

    Trilene Maxx je super pevný, nekompromisní vlasec s vysokou tuhostí a maximální ovladatelností. Je stavěn do extrémních podmínek a disponuje větší odolností proti nečekaným výpadům ryby.
    179,00 Kč
    Cormoran Cortest Night Line 150m

    Cormoran Cortest Night Line 150m

    Speciálně vyrobený pro lov v zarostlých, bahnitých vodách nebo za soumraku. Díky své fluoreskující barvě, která se odráží ve světle, je NIGHTLINE jasně vidět.
    From 148,00 Kč
    Picture of Cormoran Cortest Night Line 150m, 0,35mm

    Cormoran Cortest Night Line 150m, 0,35mm

    Speciálně vyrobený pro lov v zarostlých, bahnitých vodách nebo za soumraku. Díky své fluoreskující barvě, která se odráží ve světle, je NIGHTLINE jasně vidět.
    148,00 Kč
    Daiwa Samurai Candát

    Daiwa Samurai Candát

    Vlasec Samurai s optimalizovanými vlastnostmi pro cílený lov candátů.
    From 196,00 Kč
    Gamakatsu G-Line Topcaster 150m

    Gamakatsu G-Line Topcaster 150m

    Tento kopolymerový vlasec je určen pro všechny typy rybolovu. Má skvělou sílu v tahu a uzlovou pevnost. Je to víceúčelový vlasec, výborný na sladkou a slanou vodu.
    From 195,00 Kč
    Picture of Gamakatsu G-Line Topcaster 150m, 0,28mm

    Gamakatsu G-Line Topcaster 150m, 0,28mm

    Tento kopolymerový vlasec je určen pro všechny typy rybolovu. Má skvělou sílu v tahu a uzlovou pevnost. Je to víceúčelový vlasec, výborný na sladkou a slanou vodu.
    195,00 Kč
    Gamakatsu Super G-Line 150m

    Gamakatsu Super G-Line 150m

    Tento ultra pevný vlasec má hladký povrch a má sníženou přetáčivost, je nízkopaměťový a odolný vůči zpětným rázům. Je perfektně kulatý a má stálý průměr, který se odráží ve schopnosti samoprůtažnosti a vysoké nosnosti na daný průměr.
    From 238,00 Kč
    Picture of Gamakatsu Super G-Line 150m, 0,28mm

    Gamakatsu Super G-Line 150m, 0,28mm

    Tento ultra pevný vlasec má hladký povrch a má sníženou přetáčivost, je nízkopaměťový a odolný vůči zpětným rázům. Je perfektně kulatý a má stálý průměr, který se odráží ve schopnosti samoprůtažnosti a vysoké nosnosti na daný průměr.
    245,00 Kč
    Picture of Magic Trout Mono Line Trout 300m 0.22mm 4.00kg

    Magic Trout Mono Line Trout 300m 0.22mm 4.00kg

    Magic Trout Mono Line je vysoce výkonný monofilní vlasec – v kvalitě „made in Japan“. Jde zřejmě o nejlepší vlasec pro lov pstruhů, který je v současnosti na trhu.
    260,00 Kč
    Quantum Exofil 300m

    Quantum Exofil 300m

    Absolute winner of the worldwide EFFTEX exhibition for the 2013-2014 season. Exofil is a High Tech monofilament with a three-layer nano fluorocarbon surface treatment, which creates an ultra-smooth surface and high abrasion resistance.
    From 399,00 Kč
    Quantum Quattron PT 150m

    Quantum Quattron PT 150m

    One of the best lines on the market with EFTTA certification. Unrivaled knot strength, wear resistance and long life. Suitable for all fishing methods.
    From 247,00 Kč
    Filters Close
    Min: 69 Kč Max: 499 Kč
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