Fishing weights, leads and feeders are an indispensable tool for fishing. In this category we bring you a wide selection of end and in-line leads, weights, feeders and split shots.
Heavy Metal is the heaviest putty in the world. Extra concentrated with micro tungsten, it is 200% heavier than any other putty on the market. Due to its extreme density, only small pieces are needed to precisely balance what you need, such as a pop-up.
Heavy Metal is the heaviest putty in the world. Extra concentrated with micro tungsten, it is 200% heavier than any other putty on the market. Due to its extreme density, only small pieces are needed to precisely balance what you need, such as a pop-up.
Heavy Metal is the heaviest putty in the world. Extra concentrated with micro tungsten, it is 200% heavier than any other putty on the market. Due to its extreme density, only small pieces are needed to precisely balance what you need, such as a pop-up.
Kryston Polyfloats, Super floating putty thats easy to mould. Superb aid for free-lining surface baits. When connecting two different lines, e.g. Mono to Multi-Strand with a ring or swivel, lightly mould a small piece around the connector to make it weightless, preventing your line sinking and spoiling your presentation.
Čeburaška je extrémně účinná při lovu na přívlač nebo na lehký troling s menšími nebo středně velkými gumovými nástrahami. Díky kloubovým spojkám gumové nástrahy pracují velmi přirozeně a dokáží vyprovokovat každého dravce k útoku.