Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Naprostá klasika mezi trojháčky. Jakmile se jednou dostane do kontaktu se sumčí tlamou, okamžitě se zavrtá do hloubky a svou kořist pevně drží. Inovativní potah s daleko hladším povrchem než Teflon®.
Screw-in lead which can simply be screwed into the belly/head of a soft plastic lure. Depending on position and weight the lure changes its balance and diving depth. Ideal in combination with the Prorex Screw-In system.
Series of extremely durable and sharp treble hooks dedicated to uncompromising hunters of predators. The wide range of sizes and shapes will easily allow you to select the model suitable for setting a wobbler, soft lure or hooks for enthusiasts of livebaits.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Screw-in lead which can simply be screwed into the belly/head of a soft plastic lure. Depending on position and weight the lure changes its balance and diving depth. Ideal in combination with the Prorex Screw-In system.
The Black Cat Mega Offset Hook is a perfect hook, with which it is possible to fish with rubber baits and a spinning rod in overgrown waters and places with obstacles, and thanks to the adjoining hook it can also be attracted without ties.
Series of extremely durable and sharp treble hooks dedicated to uncompromising hunters of predators. The wide range of sizes and shapes will easily allow you to select the model suitable for setting a wobbler, soft lure or hooks for enthusiasts of livebaits.
The Black Cat Mega Offset Hook is a perfect hook, with which it is possible to fish with rubber baits and a spinning rod in overgrown waters and places with obstacles, and thanks to the adjoining hook it can also be attracted without ties.
Micro hlavičky pro lov s miniaturními gumovými nástrahami. Některé nástrahy mají tělo tak měkké, že je nemožné řádně nasadit gumu na hlavičku s tradičním nálitkem. Tyto malé hlavičky Vám umožní perfektní prezentaci nástrahy bez rizika jejího poškození během navazování.
Series of extremely durable and sharp treble hooks dedicated to uncompromising hunters of predators. The wide range of sizes and shapes will easily allow you to select the model suitable for setting a wobbler, soft lure or hooks for enthusiasts of livebaits.
Čeburaška je extrémně účinná při lovu na přívlač nebo na lehký troling s menšími nebo středně velkými gumovými nástrahami. Díky kloubovým spojkám gumové nástrahy pracují velmi přirozeně a dokáží vyprovokovat každého dravce k útoku.
The Black Cat Mega Offset Hook is a perfect hook, with which it is possible to fish with rubber baits and a spinning rod in overgrown waters and places with obstacles, and thanks to the adjoining hook it can also be attracted without ties.
Series of extremely durable and sharp treble hooks dedicated to uncompromising hunters of predators. The wide range of sizes and shapes will easily allow you to select the model suitable for setting a wobbler, soft lure or hooks for enthusiasts of livebaits.
Čeburaška je extrémně účinná při lovu na přívlač nebo na lehký troling s menšími nebo středně velkými gumovými nástrahami. Díky kloubovým spojkám gumové nástrahy pracují velmi přirozeně a dokáží vyprovokovat každého dravce k útoku.
Series of extremely durable and sharp treble hooks dedicated to uncompromising hunters of predators. The wide range of sizes and shapes will easily allow you to select the model suitable for setting a wobbler, soft lure or hooks for enthusiasts of livebaits.
Oblíbené háčky na sumce klasického tvaru. Vyrobeno z vysoce kvalitní japonské oceli. Ultra ostré. V provedení MADCAT® A-STATIC: antistatický, pogumovaný - pro minimalizaci elektrického pole, které straší sumce. Poznámka: pryžový povlak se může během používání opotřebovat.
Ultra ostré lehké jigové háčky vyrobené z vysoce kvalitní japonské oceli, které jsou ideální pro vertikální přívlač a na montáže s podvodními splávky. V provedení MADCAT® A-STATIC: antistatický, pogumovaný - pro minimalizaci elektrického pole, které straší sumce.