We present to you our very hot new product 2023 in the series of products with the same name Anštajn (Einstein). All products with this name have several common denominators. Among the most important is the so-called natural foundation. It can be said that with Anštajn, most of the signals perceived by our senses come from extracts of natural herbs and spices.
Due to the continuing interest in boilies with a very hot base, we are bringing Randal as a novelty for 2024. This boilie belongs to the family of Satan and Einstein for several reasons. As already mentioned, the essential aspect is the co-participation of special chili extracts, and in abundance.
We present to you our very hot new product 2023 in the series of products with the same name Anštajn (Einstein). All products with this name have several common denominators. Among the most important is the so-called natural foundation. It can be said that with Anštajn, most of the signals perceived by our senses come from extracts of natural herbs and spices.
Slunečnice je žluté barvy a velmi pronikavé sladké příchutě. Pikanter je oranžový s kořeněně masovou vůní, co zaujme každého staršího kapra. Mořská panna jsou kuličky sladké příchuti a jejich růžová barva je pro kapry nesmírným lákadlem.
This type of boilies is made mainly from raw materials of vegetable origin, fine to medium coarse grain. The main feature of the Expressor is the ability to dissolve very spontaneously and thus release very intensive food signals into the environment.
Classic heavy boilies designed directly for baiting. According to our customs, the bait is enriched with two layers of attractors. The first liquid, the second powder. As a result, this modification greatly favors the bait compared to classic boilies.
Classic heavy boilies designed directly for baiting. According to our customs, the bait is enriched with two layers of attractors. The first liquid, the second powder. As a result, this modification greatly favors the bait compared to classic boilies.
Classic heavy boilies designed directly for baiting. According to our customs, the bait is enriched with two layers of attractors. The first liquid, the second powder. As a result, this modification greatly favors the bait compared to classic boilies.
Classic heavy boilies designed directly for baiting. According to our customs, the bait is enriched with two layers of attractors. The first liquid, the second powder. As a result, this modification greatly favors the bait compared to classic boilies.
Classic heavy boilies designed directly for baiting. According to our customs, the bait is enriched with two layers of attractors. The first liquid, the second powder. As a result, this modification greatly favors the bait compared to classic boilies.
Classic heavy boilies designed directly for baiting. According to our customs, the bait is enriched with two layers of attractors. The first liquid, the second powder. As a result, this modification greatly favors the bait compared to classic boilies.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Chcete si opravdu zachytat? Tak to držíte v rukou přesně tu nástrahu, kterou potřebujete. Měkule jsou pružnou, vláčnou nástrahou, určenou především pro rychlé chytání, které vás zaplní akcí a nenechá vás vydechnout.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Měkule jsou pružnou, vláčnou nástrahou, určenou především pro rychlé chytání, které vás zaplní akcí a nenechá vás vydechnout.Měkule jsou velice intenzivně napumpovány atraktory a díky své vláčnosti, je také rychle uvolňují do svého okolí.
Měkule jsou pružnou, vláčnou nástrahou, určenou především pro rychlé chytání, které vás zaplní akcí a nenechá vás vydechnout.Měkule jsou velice intenzivně napumpovány atraktory a díky své vláčnosti, je také rychle uvolňují do svého okolí.
Měkule jsou pružnou, vláčnou nástrahou, určenou především pro rychlé chytání, které vás zaplní akcí a nenechá vás vydechnout.Měkule jsou velice intenzivně napumpovány atraktory a díky své vláčnosti, je také rychle uvolňují do svého okolí.
Měkule jsou pružnou, vláčnou nástrahou, určenou především pro rychlé chytání, které vás zaplní akcí a nenechá vás vydechnout.Měkule jsou velice intenzivně napumpovány atraktory a díky své vláčnosti, je také rychle uvolňují do svého okolí.