Rybashop offers every angler a big assortment of Monofilament Lines and Braided Lines in different colours and sizes. You will find the suitable Monofilament and Braided Fishing Line for every fish.
Kinet je spolehlivá a vysoce kvalitní svlékací šňůrka na zhotovení tuhých nebo kombinovaných návazců. Potah šňůrky je z hnědé barvy a vnitřní vzlínavá část je přírodní zelená. Tuhá vnější část brání zamotání při náhozu a zároveň chrání šňůrku před oděrem.
Kinet je spolehlivá a vysoce kvalitní svlékací šňůrka na zhotovení tuhých nebo kombinovaných návazců. Potah šňůrky je z hnědé barvy a vnitřní vzlínavá část je přírodní zelená. Tuhá vnější část brání zamotání při náhozu a zároveň chrání šňůrku před oděrem.
Ready-tied release lines for stone, freestyle and buoy rigs. With a handy pack of 10 within easy reach, catfish anglers can react to any situation. Time-consuming tying of release lines is now a thing of the past
Ready-tied release lines for stone, freestyle and buoy rigs. With a handy pack of 10 within easy reach, catfish anglers can react to any situation. Time-consuming tying of release lines is now a thing of the past.
Ready-tied release lines for stone, freestyle and buoy rigs. With a handy pack of 10 within easy reach, catfish anglers can react to any situation. Time-consuming tying of release lines is now a thing of the past.
Magic Trout Mono Line je vysoce výkonný monofilní vlasec – v kvalitě „made in Japan“. Jde zřejmě o nejlepší vlasec pro lov pstruhů, který je v současnosti na trhu.
An excellent monofilament colored in two shades of blue is made using triple layer technology. The line is smoother and more flexible than other standard fluoro lines. It is for use in both fresh and salt water. Ideal for fishing with bolognese rods, poles and long poles.
SpiderWire® Stealth® Smooth x8 braid offers a smooth, soft feel without sacrificing strength, sensitivity, or diameter. Stealth Smooth x8 is tightly woven with 8 carriers of PE fiber to create a tight, round braid that is Smooth for quiet casts.
SpiderWire® DURA-4 Braid is a durable and reliable 4 carrier conventional braid offering superior value to the consumer. Dura-4 is available in Low-Vis Green, Hi-Vis Yellow and Translucent and has a slick coating for effortless casting.
The Finest FireLine® Ever! The scientists at Berkley® have applied the famous FireLine® process to thermally fuse a remarkably strong 8-carrier Dyneema® PE fiber braid. The fused 8-carriers create a line that is tougher, rounder and smoother, delivering longer casts than ever before.
The Finest FireLine® Ever! The scientists at Berkley® have applied the famous FireLine® process to thermally fuse a remarkably strong 8-carrier Dyneema® PE fiber braid. The fused 8-carriers create a line that is tougher, rounder and smoother, delivering longer casts than ever before.
SpiderWire® DURA-4 Braid is a durable and reliable 4 carrier conventional braid offering superior value to the consumer. Dura-4 is available in Low-Vis Green, Hi-Vis Yellow and Translucent and has a slick coating for effortless casting.
SpiderWire® DURA-4 Braid is a durable and reliable 4 carrier conventional braid offering superior value to the consumer. Dura-4 is available in Low-Vis Green, Hi-Vis Yellow and Translucent and has a slick coating for effortless casting.
Velmi oblíbená šňůrka od Krystonu, se dočkala skvělé inovace! Jedná se o poddajný splétaný návazcový materiál bez potahu s vysokou pevností v uzlu. Těžší než voda, kopíruje dno.
Gold Carp has great feel and is perfect for big fish. It has a high snap resistance and a controlled stretch. Gold Carp has superior knot strength so you can haul in the biggest of carps.
Gamakatsu G-Power Premium Braid Neo je splétán z unikátních pokročilých PE vláken a má tak perfektně kulatý průřez s vysokou nosností na daný průměr. Díky novému způsobu splétání vláken je povrch velmi hladký.
The Tournament SF combines nearly all preferred technical advantages and benefits in one line. This line has only little stretch – you can thus set the hook instantaneously. The Tournament SF also offers a high wet knot strength and a high abrasion resistance at the same time. The soft and smooth surface glides silently through the guides and optimizes the casting distances.
The Tournament SF combines nearly all preferred technical advantages and benefits in one line. This line has only little stretch – you can thus set the hook instantaneously. The Tournament SF also offers a high wet knot strength and a high abrasion resistance at the same time. The soft and smooth surface glides silently through the guides and optimizes the casting distances.
The Tournament SF combines nearly all preferred technical advantages and benefits in one line. This line has only little stretch – you can thus set the hook instantaneously. The Tournament SF also offers a high wet knot strength and a high abrasion resistance at the same time. The soft and smooth surface glides silently through the guides and optimizes the casting distances.
The Tournament SF combines nearly all preferred technical advantages and benefits in one line. This line has only little stretch – you can thus set the hook instantaneously. The Tournament SF also offers a high wet knot strength and a high abrasion resistance at the same time. The soft and smooth surface glides silently through the guides and optimizes the casting distances.
The Japanese Infinity Super Soft with purple color is a real high-performance line with camouflage character. At UV light the color changes from purple to brown under water. Thus, you perfectly can recognize your line over the water surface, while the fishes are not harmed from the feeding spot by the brown color.