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EFFZETT Standard Spoon 3.2cm 6g Glitter

Manufacturer: DAM
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
SKU: 5004006
Availability: 2 in stock
76,00 Kč
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There probably isn’t a fishing tackle box out there that hasn’t had an Effzett spinner inside it at some point during its life. This classic, million-selling lure design is still performing as well for anglers today as it did when it was first introduced all the way back in 1933. The perfect shape and design of the blades have been proven to catch fish all around the world. While we still make those classic spinners, which have since had some smart modern tweaks applied to them, we also provide a wide range of spoons that can tempt even the wariest of predator fish to take a bite. Effzett spinners and spoons get tied onto a line on a regular basis by all kinds of anglers – they’re just so effective.


Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!

Spoons in lengths of 80mm and 100mm are equipped with two treble hooks.

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