The Regal LT series combines nearly all technical features and advantages of the new LT reel concept for an unbelievable outstanding price-quality ratio.
The Regal LT series combines nearly all technical features and advantages of the new LT reel concept for an unbelievable outstanding price-quality ratio.
The Regal LT series combines nearly all technical features and advantages of the new LT reel concept for an unbelievable outstanding price-quality ratio.
The Regal LT series combines nearly all technical features and advantages of the new LT reel concept for an unbelievable outstanding price-quality ratio.
Pokud hledáte silný a lehký naviják s pokročilým designem a plným technických inovací - a za velmi konkurenceschopnou cenu - pak je pro vás Daiwa RX LT dokonalým navijákem!