A wide selection of fishing en tackles such as hooks, hooklinks, ready rigs, swivels and snaps, weights, clips, sleeves, stops, tubes etc. for creating "Last Meter". Of course there are aids such as needles, drills, scissors, pliers ...
Elastic Rig stops are excellent tools in preparing many types of rigs. They are placed directly on the hook, where they secure the O ring position and its limited movement on the hook arm.
Elastic Rig stops are excellent tools in preparing many types of rigs. They are placed directly on the hook, where they secure the O ring position and its limited movement on the hook arm.
Elastic Rig stops are excellent tools in preparing many types of rigs. They are placed directly on the hook, where they secure the O ring position and its limited movement on the hook arm.
The Garda Heavy Carp Hook excels in its strength and perfect shape. The hook is practically unbreakable and is used in the most difficult conditions for catching the largest fish. Great for bottom or snowman rig. Top quality Garda hooks. Japanese steel, British production.
The Garda Heavy Carp Hook excels in its strength and perfect shape. The hook is practically unbreakable and is used in the most difficult conditions for catching the largest fish. Great for bottom or snowman rig. Top quality Garda hooks. Japanese steel, British production.
Kaprový háček Garda Heavy Carp Hook vyniká svoji sílou a dokonalým tvarem. Háček je prakticky nezlomitelný a využívá se v těch nejtěžších podmínkách pro lov těch největších ryb. Skvělý pro nástrahy na dno nebo na panáčka
The Garda Heavy Carp Hook excels in its strength and perfect shape. The hook is practically unbreakable and is used in the most difficult conditions for catching the largest fish. Great for bottom or snowman rig. Top quality Garda hooks. Japanese steel, British production.
It is very difficult for carp to spit it out, so it is often used in competitions. Very versatile, especially suitable for bottom baits, neutrally balanced or like snowman rig. Top quality Garda hooks. Japanese steel, British production.
It is very difficult for carp to spit it out, so it is often used in competitions. Very versatile, especially suitable for bottom baits, neutrally balanced or like snowman rig. Top quality Garda hooks. Japanese steel, British production.
It is very difficult for carp to spit it out, so it is often used in competitions. Very versatile, especially suitable for bottom baits, neutrally balanced or like snowman rig. Top quality Garda hooks. Japanese steel, British production.
It is very difficult for carp to spit it out, so it is often used in competitions. Very versatile, especially suitable for bottom baits, neutrally balanced or like snowman rig. Top quality Garda hooks. Japanese steel, British production.
Ronnie rig se zavrtávákem je kompletně připravený háček pro vytvoření návazce Ronnie rig. K úplnému sestavení stačí pomocí smyčky připojit návazec, upevnit nástrahu na vrtáček a vyvážit ji plastickým olovem, které přidáte pod obratlík.
Ronnie rig se zavrtávákem je kompletně připravený háček pro vytvoření návazce Ronnie rig. K úplnému sestavení stačí pomocí smyčky připojit návazec, upevnit nástrahu na vrtáček a vyvážit ji plastickým olovem, které přidáte pod obratlík.
Ronnie rig se zavrtávákem je kompletně připravený háček pro vytvoření návazce Ronnie rig. K úplnému sestavení stačí pomocí smyčky připojit návazec, upevnit nástrahu na vrtáček a vyvážit ji plastickým olovem, které přidáte pod obratlík.