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CSL Cornkiller Liquid 1L Squid A1

Manufacturer: Carp Servis Vaclavik
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
SKU: CSV-1453
Availability: Out of stock
179,00 Kč
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CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn. Carp love it. In addition, this product contains a whole range of flavorings, spices and aromatic substances, which together form a top irritant for carp fishing. Cornkiller does not dissolve PVA materials. On the contrary, it can be used partly as a retarder for the decay of PVA stockings and other PVA products.

  • Packaging: 1 liter
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