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With the Wild Cat'z "Spin" rod, you can arrange your favorite hunting grounds in passages where artificial lures have never been seen before. We have developed a real machine for casting over long distances. At home, this rod feels at the locks and passages around the weirs of European rivers. Thanks to the fast graphite blank and K-Frame eyes with a starting 35mm eye, we were able to make this rod a little shorter to ensure easy handling with the method of spinning briefly from a boat freely drifting around overgrown shores in the deepest wilderness, optimized properties for the above. The unobtrusive Wild Cat'z design fits perfectly with these demanding natural conditions.
Kat.č. Art.No. Art.Nr.
Délka Length Länge
Vrhací zátěž Casting Weight Wurfgewicht
Transport Tr.Length Tr.-Länge
Hmotnost Weight Gewicht
Počet dílů Sections Teile
Počet oček Guides Ringe
16429 265
2,65 m
50-180 g
135 cm
284 g
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