Fishing special. Here you will find specialized fishing categories (such as e-shops in the e-shop) focused on fishing methods such as feeder, match, spinning or ice fishing. Whether you are fishing for carp, roach, trout, catfish, pike at lake and rivers or halibut, herring, cod, tuna at sea, we have the right fishing equipment for you.
Cresta nyní nabízí kompletní řadu obratlíků. Vyrobili jsme speciální řadu nejoblíbenějších obratlíků přizpůsobených nejmodernějším rybářským technikám.
Cresta nyní nabízí kompletní řadu obratlíků. Vyrobili jsme speciální řadu nejoblíbenějších obratlíků přizpůsobených nejmodernějším rybářským technikám.
Cresta nyní nabízí kompletní řadu obratlíků. Vyrobili jsme speciální řadu nejoblíbenějších obratlíků přizpůsobených nejmodernějším rybářským technikám.
Cresta nyní nabízí kompletní řadu obratlíků. Vyrobili jsme speciální řadu nejoblíbenějších obratlíků přizpůsobených nejmodernějším rybářským technikám.
Snyper nabízí široký výběr modelů, které lze všestranně použít, za velice rozumné ceny. Tato série nabízí pruty pro lehký až středně těžký rybolov v tenkém dvoudílném provedení.
Snyper reels can be coupled perfectly with Snyper rods; colour and price are perfectly matched and result in a nice looking combination. Snyper reels have a solid interior and have the right ratio for comfortable and smooth fishing.
Tento monofilní vlasec je speciálně vyvinut pro intenzivní používání, které ho předurčuje pro feederový rybolov. Díky speciálně ošetřenému povrchu je vlasec velmi hladký a klouzavý.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
Pro rychlé dipování boilies. Vyrábíme v mnoha různých příchutích. Jeden turbodip je vždy určen k jednomu z našich mražených boilies, ale fantazii se meze nekladou a je možné dipovat různé boilies do různých dipů...