Czech brand Albastar offers a wide range of quality fishing tackle at an excellent price. Fishing rods, reels, fishing lines, landing nets, baits, bags and many other fishing equipment for everyday fishing.
High quality balsa float with internal line for catching predatory fish with bait fish. The float is painted with a high-quality, water-impermeable varnish and is painted with a highly reflective paint.
Vysoce kvalitní balsový splávek s vnitřním vedením pro lov dravých ryb s nástražní rybičkou. Splávek je lakován kvalitním lakem, který nepropouští vodu a je barven vysoce reflexní barvou.
High quality balsa float with eyelet and swivel for chemical light suitable for catching predatory fish. The float is painted with a high-quality, water-impermeable varnish.